Answering the Ahbash/Jahmi – The doctrine that Allah is above his throne is from Bible

How can we agree that Allaah is above His throne when this is in fact a biblical doctrine?



If the bible preaches the belief of the existence of The Creator, does that mean that we, as Muslims, should reject this belief?

If the Bible preaches that the first human being was Aadam, should we reject that?

If the Bible preaches that Ibraahiim was a prophet of God, should we consider this as a lie?

If the Bible preaches the belief of the existence of the Devil, should we say the opposite?

Hence, when we receive information from the Bible which is in accordance with the information from the Qur’aan, we can say that this information has not been falsified, and therefore it is the truth. There is no doubt that the Bible has been corrupted, but it does not mean that it has no truth in it.

(2)  We, the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah – we say to the innovators:

How can you be so astray that even the Christians  know more about God than you?

Sa’iid Ibn Aamir (208H):

الجهمية أشر قولا من اليهود والنصارى قد اجتمعت اليهود والنصارى وأهل الأديان على أن الله تبارك وتعالى على العرش وقالوا هم ليس على العرش شيء

[ The speech of the Jahmiyyah is more evil than that of the Jews and Christians, for the Jews and the Christians, and the people of (other) religions, have agreed that Allaah is above the Throne. [But] they (the Jahmiyyah) said, “there is no one above the Throne”. ]

                              (KHALQU-AF-‘AALIL-‘IBAAD PG 11)

See also: Mauritian Salafi expose Ahbash

Author: Abu Layla Shabbir
Translator: Abu Yumna & Muhammad AbdAllaah

2 thoughts on “Answering the Ahbash/Jahmi – The doctrine that Allah is above his throne is from Bible

  1. You are indeed like christians, because first of all, Said Ibn Amir is not a prophet. There is no authentic continous chain to track back to him.
    So in summary: Your rely on a fairy tale. Just like christians.


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