Difference between poetic recitation and singing Anaasheed


What are the differences between poetic recitation and singing anaasheed?


The recitation of poems differs from the style of singing.

Poems are not recited in groups so as to melodiously beautify them.

Ibnul Jawzi (597 H):

فانظر إلى احتجاج ابن طاهر ما أعجبه كيف يحتج على جواز الغناء بإنشاد الشعر …

[Look at the proof which Ibn Twaahir came forward with; how amazing it is! (Look at) how he uses poetic recitation as a proof to deem singing permissible.

وقد نسي أن إنشاد الشعر لا يطرب كما يطرب الغناء!

He has forgotten that poetry does not emotionally influence (the listener), unlike singing.]


Sheikh Swaalih Al-Fawzaan dire :

إن الأشعار التي كانت تنشد عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلَّم ليست تنشد بأصوات جماعية على شكل أغاني

[The poems that were recited in front of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) were not recited in congregation ,with many persons reciting at a time, in the form of singing.]


Author: Abu Layla Shabbir

Translator: Nadeem

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